378改编自William Kamkwamba所著自传《驭风男孩》(The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind),讲述一个改变人生的故事:Kamkwamba本人在13岁那年,以小块金属废料、旧自行车零件和木材修建了风轮机,拯救了自己的村庄。异星战境
309在未来世界,军事情报分析师Atlas Shepherd(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰),对AI有着深切的不信任感。她加入了一个任务,试图捕捉一个叛逃的机器人,而这个机器人有着神秘的过去。不过,当计划失败时,她唯一拯救人类未来免受AI侵害的希望就是去相信它。明天你好!
818Follows a group of traveling salesmen hawking lunar timeshares.脱逃杀手
1011A contract killer who was diagnosed with a fast-moving form of dementia has an opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life of his estranged adult伤痕累累
151Follows a Chicago investigator who travels to Scotland after a new serial killer commits crimes that match those that he looked into five years previo